Aeropress Troubleshooting: 9 Common Issues Solved

Last Updated on: 9th October 2023, 07:24 pm

Are you an avid coffee lover enjoying the rich and flavorful brew the Aeropress delivers? But have you ever encountered frustrating issues while using this popular brewing device? Fear not, for we are here to guide you through the world of Aeropress troubleshooting!

We will provide you with easy fixes for common issues that may arise during your brewing journey. We’ve covered you, whether it’s a leaking filter cap, bitter or sour-tasting coffee, weak or strong brews, or even a sticky plunger.

Our knowledgeable and detailed approach aims to equip you with the necessary skills and techniques to overcome any obstacle in your Aeropress experience. We understand your passion for a perfect cup of coffee and are dedicated to helping you achieve that.

So get ready to dive into the fascinating realm of Aeropress troubleshooting! Discover quick solutions to problems like the filter holder won’t close or the plunger being hard to push. Uncover the secrets behind creating ideal pressure and ensuring a proper seal.

With our expert advice and step-by-step instructions, you’ll soon be able to enjoy flawlessly brewed coffee every single time. Don’t let these common issues deter you from your love affair with the Aeropress – join us on this journey as we unravel easy fixes that will elevate your brewing game to new heights!

Coffee Drips Through Filter Cap / Leaking / Drains Too Quickly

If your coffee drips through the filter cap or leaks, it’s draining too quickly. To fix this issue, there are a few things you can try.

First, check your grind size. If it’s too fine, the water will flow through too quickly. Adjusting to a slightly coarser grind should help slow down the drainage.

Additionally, make sure you’re using the correct water temperature. Too hot water can cause faster drainage, so aim for around 175-185°F (80-85°C).

Tightening the filter cap securely is also important, as any gaps or loose parts can lead to leaks and quick drainage.

Finally, regular cleaning and maintenance of your AeroPress are crucial in preventing issues like this. Make sure to clean all Aeropress parts thoroughly after each use and remove any buildup or residue that might be affecting the seal of the filter cap.

Following these tips and tricks, you can troubleshoot and fix issues with the coffee dripping through the filter cap or leaking quickly!

Coffee Tastes Bitter

Try adjusting the brewing time or water temperature to avoid a bitter taste in your coffee. Bitterness in coffee can often be attributed to over-extraction, which occurs when the coffee is brewed for too long or at too high a temperature.

To remedy this, you can experiment with reducing the brewing time by using a shorter steeping period or adjusting the grind size to achieve a coarser texture. Additionally, lowering the water temperature may help prevent extracting undesirable compounds from the coffee grounds contributing to bitterness.

It’s important to note that different brewing methods may require different adjustments, so it’s worth experimenting and finding what works best for your setup.

You can ensure a more balanced and enjoyable cup of coffee by fine-tuning these variables.

Coffee Tastes Sour

Adjusting the grind size and water temperature can help you achieve a more balanced and flavorful cup of coffee, even if it tastes sour. Here are some tips to improve your brew:

  • Brewing time: If your coffee tastes sour, increase the brewing time slightly. This allows for more extraction, which can help balance out the flavors.
  • Water temperature: Make sure you’re using water at the right temperature. Coffee brewed with too hot water can result in a sour taste. Aim for a water temperature between 195°F and 205°F (90°C to 96°C) for optimal extraction.
  • Coffee bean freshness: Check the freshness of your Aeropress coffee beans. Stale beans can contribute to a sour taste in your brew. Look for beans roasted within the past two weeks for the best flavor.
  • Grind size: Experiment with different grind sizes to find what works best. If your coffee is consistently sour, try grinding it finer to increase surface area and extraction.
  • Brewing ratio: Adjusting the brewing ratio, or the amount of coffee grounds to water, can also impact the taste of your brew. Increase or decrease the amount of coffee accordingly until you achieve a balanced flavor profile.

By making these adjustments and paying attention to details like brewing time, water temperature, bean freshness, grind size, and brewing ratio, you can optimize your AeroPress brewing process and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee without any sourness.

Coffee Is Too Weak

When your coffee turns out too weak, it’s time to explore some simple ways to enhance its flavor and make it more satisfying.

First, check your brewing time. If you’re not brewing the coffee long enough, it can result in a weaker taste. Try extending the brewing time by a few seconds or even minutes to see if that improves the strength of your coffee.

Next, consider the water temperature. If your water is not hot enough, it may not properly extract the flavors from the coffee grounds. Ensure you’re using water around 200°F (93°C) for optimal extraction.

Another factor to consider is the grind size of your coffee beans. If the grind size is too coarse, it may lead to under-extraction and weak coffee. On the other hand, if the grind size is too fine, it can result in over-extraction and a bitter taste. Experiment with different grind sizes until you find one that suits your preference.

Additionally, take into account the quality of your coffee beans. Lower-quality beans may produce a weaker cup of coffee than higher-quality beans with more complex flavors.

Lastly, don’t forget about the proper stirring technique during brewing. Stirring helps ensure an even distribution of water among all the grounds and promotes better extraction of flavors. So ensure you’re stirring thoroughly and consistently throughout the brewing process to achieve a stronger and more flavorful cup of coffee.

Coffee Is Too Strong

If your morning cup of joe punches you in the face and leaves you gasping for air, it might be time to question whether you’re consuming coffee or rocket fuel.

But fear not. There are several easy fixes to tone down the strength of your Aeropress brew.

First, try adjusting the grind size of your coffee beans. A finer grind will increase extraction and result in a stronger flavor, while a coarser grind will do the opposite.

Experimenting with water temperature is another crucial step in finding the perfect balance. Hotter water extracts more oils and compounds from the coffee grounds, resulting in a stronger brew, so try using slightly cooler water to mellow out the flavor.

Additionally, using fewer coffee grounds can also help reduce its strength. Start by slightly decreasing the amount and adjusting until you find your desired taste.

Another option is brewing for a shorter time; this will reduce extraction and produce a milder flavor profile.

Lastly, if all else fails, diluting the coffee with hot water can help tame its strength without compromising too much on taste.

Remember that brewing is an art form, so don’t be afraid to experiment and adjust until you achieve your perfect cup of balanced goodness!

Filter Holder Won’t Close

Don’t panic, but your filter holder won’t close, and you’re desperate to start brewing your perfect cup of coffee.

The first thing you should check is the filter holder alignment. Ensure that the filter holder grooves are properly aligned with the corresponding ridges on the AeroPress chamber. Sometimes, a slight misalignment can prevent the filter holder from closing securely.

Additionally, double-check that you have inserted the paper or metal filter correctly. Improper insertion can cause the filter holder not to close properly.

If everything seems to be in order, it might be worth thoroughly cleaning your filter holder. Any residue or buildup on the surface could interfere with its ability to close tightly.

Another possible issue could be using an incorrect size of filters for your AeroPress model. Ensure that you’re using Aeropress filters specifically designed for your device.

With these troubleshooting steps in mind, you’ll soon be back on track to enjoying a delicious cup of coffee brewed with your trusty AeroPress!

Plunger Is Hard To Push

Experiencing resistance, the plunger may prove difficult to push down when brewing your coffee with AeroPress.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the water temperature you’re using for brewing. Using too hot water can cause suction and make pushing down on the plunger harder. Aim for a water temperature between 175°F and 185°F for optimal results.

If you prefer using the Aeropress inverted method, where you brew upside-down, wet both ends of the rubber seal before inserting it into the chamber; that’ll help reduce friction during plunging.

Lastly, if none of these troubleshooting steps work, don’t hesitate to contact AeroPress customer support. They’re knowledgeable in assisting with any issues you may encounter while using their product.

No Pressure / Not Sealing

Wet the rubber seal before inserting it into the chamber when brewing with the AeroPress to ensure a proper seal and avoid any pressure loss. This simple step can help prevent sealing issues that may cause pressure loss during brewing.

Additionally, a wet seal helps to create a tight seal between the plunger and the chamber, ensuring complete extraction of your coffee grounds. Without a proper seal, you may experience uneven brewing and incomplete extraction, resulting in a less-than-perfect cup of coffee.

In some cases, a clogged filter could also be causing pressure issues. To fix this problem, try rinsing your filter thoroughly before use, or consider using a finer grind size for your coffee beans.

By following these tips and tricks, you can troubleshoot any pressure or sealing issues with your AeroPress and enjoy consistently delicious cups of coffee every time.

Sticky Plunger

The sticky plunger can be easily resolved by lubricating it with water or coffee grounds, allowing for smoother and more effortless brewing.

To clean the plunger, remove it from the chamber and rinse it with warm water, removing any coffee residue causing the stickiness.

If this doesn’t solve the issue, you can lubricate the plunger by wetting it slightly with water or rubbing a few coffee grounds on it. This should help reduce friction and make plunging easier.

Another potential solution is to adjust your grind size. If your coffee grounds are too fine, they can get stuck in the filter and cause resistance when plunging. Try using a slightly coarser grind to see if that helps alleviate the stickiness.

If none of these methods work, you might consider using a different brewing method altogether or contacting Aeropress customer support for further troubleshooting.


In conclusion, troubleshooting your Aeropress is not as daunting as it may seem. Just like a skilled mechanic who can diagnose and fix any car trouble, you, too, have the power to conquer any issues that arise with your beloved coffee maker.

Think of yourself as the coffee whisperer, unraveling the mysteries and taming the wild beasts that try to hinder your perfect cup of joe.

As you dive into the world of Aeropress troubleshooting, remember that you are embarking on a grand adventure. Picture yourself as an explorer traversing uncharted territories, armed with knowledge and determination.

With each problem you encounter, view it as a puzzle waiting to be solved – an opportunity to showcase your expertise and passion for brewing the best coffee possible.

So unleash your inner hero and fearlessly tackle any challenges that come your way. Whether it’s a leaking filter cap or a plunger that seems impossible to push, know there is always a solution within reach.

And remember, just like any great journey, this one will be filled with triumphs and setbacks. But through it all, you’ll emerge victorious – armed with newfound wisdom and ready to enjoy every sip of your perfectly brewed cup of coffee.

So go forth, brave adventurer! Let nothing stand in the way of your pursuit of coffee excellence. Unleash your troubleshooter extraordinaire skills and make peace with even the stickiest plungers.

The world is yours for the taking – one delicious cup at a time!

Mike Shaw

Mike is a fervent aficionado of all things coffee. His journey has taken him from the verdant coffee farms of South America to the vibrant coffeehouses of Europe and many places in between. Over the years, he's delved deep into the intricate tapestry of coffee, savoring, brewing, and analyzing myriad varieties. For Mike, coffee transcends its role as a morning energizer; it's a world waiting to be explored and cherished.